Bad poetry and Just Sitting - blog journey portraying the coarse and subtle levels of the phenomena called Mind-Body

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wake Up Urban Human

Life is passing you by
Urban Human
With each
While staring at your watch.

Passing by the life is
Do you hear Urban Human
While imprisoned
In between the walls
You are deaf
To the song of a Nightingale.

Feet walking on asphalt
Instead of green grass
Covered with morning dew
Hey Urban Human
Looking at the life
Through TV screen
Killing time
For the sake of boredom.

Life is passing away
Urban Human
With each breath you take
Not Silver nor Gold
Nor tick castle walls
Can stop the Death
From taking away
What Impermanent is.

Hey Urban Human
Living a fancy life
Life behind masks
And fake smiles
Behind suits and ties
Behind colorful makeups
Behind titles so sweet
Wasting a precious life
Of a Human kind.

Wake up Urban Human
Before death takes you away
Wake up!
Stop running away from your true nature
By placing continuously concrete and tarmac
On top of the very soil which feeds us all.

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